
Comprehensive support solution for federations and federated athletes. Web dissemination, project management, competition registration, facilitation for access to private or social funding.


We worked together with the team behind the Federado.org project to provide a quality identity and define the best way to communicate athletes and sports federations. We had to come up with a versatile brand that could work by bringing together different sports disciplines.

Who the project is aimed at

Sports federations, affiliated clubs and their athletes are shown on the platform and obtain benefits through sponsors. The recipients are the athletes, and mainly the parents of the youngest, whom we seek to bring closer to federated sport.

Key messages to convey

The joy of sport and the synergy between federations, the financial sustainability and the seriousness of the work team.

Content and Strategy

We worked on the manuals and style guides to have a clear path to follow in the future. We worked on branding, defining both physical and digital pieces, functional to communication.

We also developed the site defining its usability both for athletes and for the federations themselves, looking for simplicity but always with great aesthetic care, where the detail, graphics, and animations contribute to the overall experience of Federado.org.